
Using program in 'test mode' is free.

Also using 'Gain/​​​​Profits' module is free. 

You pay for sending data to inverter. After creating Plant, free for 14 days, then:

Service Price with VAT (remark: price for year includes discount)
Up to 10kWh battery 10,00PLN/month or 100,00PLN/year (about 2,33EUR/month or 23,26EUR/year )
Up to 20kWh battery 20,00PLN/month or 200,00PLN/year (about 4,65EUR/month or 46,51EUR/year )
Up to 30kWh battery 30,00PLN/month or 300,00PLN/year (about 6,98EUR/month or 69,77EUR/year )
Up to 40kWh battery 40,00PLN/month or 400,00PLN/year (about 9,30EUR/month or 93,02EUR/year )
Up to 50kWh battery 50,00PLN/month or 500,00PLN/year (about 11,63EUR/month or 116,28EUR/year )
Up to 60kWh battery 60,00PLN/month or 600,00PLN/year (about 13,95EUR/month or 139,53EUR/year )
Up to 70kWh battery 70,00PLN/month or 700,00PLN/year (about 16,28EUR/month or 162,79EUR/year )
Up to 80kWh battery 80,00PLN/month or 800,00PLN/year (about 18,60EUR/month or 186,05EUR/year )
Up to 90kWh battery 90,00PLN/month or 900,00PLN/year (about 20,93EUR/month or 209,30EUR/year )
Up to 100kWh battery 100,00PLN/month or 1000,00PLN/year (about 23,26EUR/month or 232,56EUR/year )
Up to 150kWh battery 150,00PLN/month or 1500,00PLN/year (about 34,88EUR/month or 348,84EUR/year )
Up to 200kWh battery 200,00PLN/month or 2000,00PLN/year (about 46,51EUR/month or 465,12EUR/year )
Up to 250kWh battery 250,00PLN/month or 2500,00PLN/year (about 58,14EUR/month or 581,40EUR/year )
Up to 300kWh battery 300,00PLN/month or 3000,00PLN/year (about 69,77EUR/month or 697,67EUR/year )
Up to 350kWh battery 350,00PLN/month or 3500,00PLN/year (about 81,40EUR/month or 813,95EUR/year )
Up to 400kWh battery 400,00PLN/month or 4000,00PLN/year (about 93,02EUR/month or 930,23EUR/year )
Up to 450kWh battery 450,00PLN/month or 4500,00PLN/year (about 104,65EUR/month or 1046,51EUR/year )
Up to 500kWh battery 500,00PLN/month or 5000,00PLN/year (about 116,28EUR/month or 1162,79EUR/year )


Payment in advance: 6 months = 0.5 month free
Payment in advance: 12 months = 2 months free